WellAI scientists use breakthroughs in Systems Biology and latent knowledge from science literature
Did you know that human attention span has dropped below that of a goldfish for the first time ever?
It’s 8 seconds and 9 seconds respectively.
Why is that? Humans are overwhelmed with data and information. Human knowledge is growing exponentially.
Physicians are burned out in their daily jobs – because of COVID, the staffing crisis and the crumbling healthcare system. They don’t have time to read even one new medical article per day, not to mention thousands that are coming out daily.
Even scientists are overwhelmed. Before starting a new research project, some scientists have to spend 6 months of learning to get up to speed on a particular topic.
Fortunately, using the latest breakthroughs in Systems Biology and Natural Language Processing, WellAI scientists were able to develop the largest system of the interactions between the components of biological systems and medical systems in general – e.g. between enzymes and metabolites, histones and DNA, symptoms and diseases, diseases and medical tests, etc.
In our ongoing educational series, Daniel Satchkov, head of machine learning at WellAI, explains how we do it. Daniel also insists that mathematicians have a richer imagination than poets.
We are at the very beginning of understanding applications of mathematics and data science in medicine and other fields of life!
Stay healthy! Stay knowledgeable about your health.
Happy and Healthy 2022!
WellAI Team