Google’s Doodles: AI Brain Drain, Med-PaLM 2 Challenges and Implications for AI in Healthcare

Google has recently experienced a series of high-profile departures in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Three prominent AI scientists

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Platforms are Eating the World

You may have heard the expression, “software is eating the world”.  It was coined by Marc Andreessen in a famous Wall Street Journal Op-Ed in 2011.  What Marc meant was that software and Internet services are becoming dominant and even critical in every single industry, not just IT.

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Our 7 Rules of Running a Successful Startup. Some May Surprise You.

In the book “I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59”, Douglas Edwards shares that Google founders were so fed up with business development people advising them “by the book”, they procrastinated having any business people in the building who didn’t understand the 100x power of their technology and couldn’t code.

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